Summer Camps

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Opal'z amazing craft camp

All of the great bath, body, and fun crafty stuff we do - all week long.

Soap making, candle making, perfume making, paper making, lip balm, nail polish and more!   

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Ages 9 and up

$250 week /10:30AM-2PM

5 campers minimum - 12 maximum

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Use the paypal button to reserve your spot.  $50 to register, the balance due the first day of camp.

July 14-July 18, 2014

August 4-August 8, 2014

Opal’z owner., Annie Jenkins has been a film and television make-up artist since 1979.   After years with working on music videos, commercials, feature films and television broadcasts, Annie’s clients now are mostly top executives and “real people”.  Combining a lifelong love of crafting, an interest in herbs and naturals and knowledge of hair, skin and beauty products,  Annie has been making soap, lotions, and balms for 8 years.  The enthusiasm for all things bath and body hasn't wained ... there is always more to learn and Annie loves to share knowledge.